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Release, Relax, Unwind

 Dr. Cully


Dr. Cully completed her undergraduate studies at The University of Vermont. She then went on to earn her masters in Applied Clinical Nutrition and Doctorate of Chiropractic degree from New York Chiropractic College.

Practicing chiropractic for over 8 years, she is licensed in both the state of New York and New Jersey. Dr. Cully is also certified in Webster Technique, a method of chiropractic care that was developed to treat women throughout all stages of pregnancy. 

Dr. Cully believes in taking a patient centered approach to chiropractic care. She understands that what works for one, does not work for all. Her knowledge of a variety of treatment techniques, including manual adjustments, activator, SOT, trigger point therapy, muscle rehabilitation and movement pattern assessment, allows her to create treatment plans that are tailored to each individual patient.

"If you would seek health, look first to the spine"

- Socrates

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A chiropractic adjustment is a manual adjustment or manipulation of a joint within the body. Although chiropractic is often times associated with the spine, the reality is that chiropractors can treat or manipulate any joint in the body, including, ankles, wrists, ribs and shoulders. The purpose of a chiropractic adjustment is to restore movement where it is has become restricted. Many times restrictions are found in areas of "tension" or pain, but correcting for restrictions in areas without pain can prevent pain and injury in the future.  Many research studies support that chiropractic adjustment can increase immune system, increase functional mobility, and decrease pain.

Pelvic imbalance is one of the most common findings during the assessment of the spine. Pelvic imbalance can be structural, however, more often than not, it is actually a functional imbalance. What this means is that rather than your skeleton being formed in an imbalanced way, it is actually just functioning asymmetrically. Oftentimes this occurs due to a combination of postural tendencies, muscular imbalance and lifestyle habits. While you might not be aware of this imbalance, your body is, and it is constantly working to compensate for it, thus leaving you vulnerable to injury. When a functional imbalance is detected during a spinal assessment, pelvic blocking can help to reset the pelvis, ease strain in associated musculature and encourage better movement patterns.


Trigger point manual therapy is a technique used to release soft tissue adhesions and built-up scar tissue.  Trigger points are often times a source of muscular and referred pain which can limit our mobility and create compensatory movement patterns. Releasing trigger points using manual therapy can alleviate pain and help to restore range of motion. 

Chiropractic treatment is safe throughout a woman's entire pregnancy. Pregnancy can often times be a source of back pain and sciatica, as well as other aches and pains that might be new to an expecting mother. Webster Technique is a specifically designed protocol for assessing and treating a woman during her pregnancy. The primary goal is to alleviate pregnancy related aches and pains through the analysis and detection of joint dysfunction and soft tissue tension. By correcting these things using a gentle adjustment we can enhance neurological and bio-mechanical function, and, subsequently, ease pain.   



129 Washington St, #200

 Hoboken, NJ, 07030

(Located Inside

Zen Om Studio).

Tel: 201-579-3125



Tuesday 11AM - 8PM

Thursday 11AM - 8PM

Friday 11AM- 4PM

Sunday 10AM - 4PM

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